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2024/06/16 - 00:41
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On the eve of Eid ul-Adha and Edi al-Qadir Iranian national Hamid Nouri is released

Kanaani confirmed the release of Iranian national Hamid Nouri from a prison in Sweden .


Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani confirmed the release of Iranian national Hamid Nouri from a prison in Sweden, saying the freedom of Nouri who had been trapped due to a plot hatched by the Zionist regime with the MKO terrorist group being its tool is yet another manifestation of the robust diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the service of realizing the national interests of the country and decisively defending the rights of Iranian citizens.


Kanaani added that the release of this citizen from captivity caused by an illegal and illegitimate decision of the Swedish court was achieved as a result of continuous political, legal and consular efforts of the Foreign Ministry, the judiciary and other relevant authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran. He noted that on this occasion, it is necessary to honor and appreciate the special efforts of late president Ebrahim Raisi and continuous and diligent efforts by late foreign minister Amirabdollahian.


The Foreign Ministry spokesperson also said Hamid Nouri, the Iranian citizen who had been held hostage, has now returned to his dear homeland and to the arms of his patient family and loved ones after enduring 1,680 days of indescribable captivity contrary to the basic principles of human rights.


Kanaani then thanked the role of the Sultanate of Oman in helping secure the release of Nouri. He underlined that according to its inherent duty, the Iranian Foreign Ministry will continue to work diligently toward the release of other Iranian citizens held abroad.

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