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2024/06/25 - 19:31
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Iran acting FM meets Turkish deputy FM in Tehran

Ali Bagheri Iran’s Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs met and held discussions with Burhanettin Duran Deputy Foreign Minister of Turkey on the sidelines of the Asia Cooperation Dialogue Forum in Tehran.

Ali Bagheri, Iran’s Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, met and held discussions with Burhanettin Duran, Deputy Foreign Minister of Turkey, on the sidelines of the Asia Cooperation Dialogue Forum in Tehran.

Bagheri praised the level of relations and cooperation between the two countries in bilateral, regional, and international dimensions, emphasizing that there are many untapped capacities between the two countries in various fields, particularly in economic and commercial areas, as well as regional and global arenas, which require proper design, planning, and utilization.

Referring to the membership and active role of the two countries in regional and international organizations such as the Asia Cooperation Dialogue Forum, ECO, and D-8, Iran’s Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs emphasized: “We must use the good capacities of these organizations and multilateral mechanisms more than ever for the benefit of the Islamic world and the region, especially in support of the oppressed people of Palestine.”

He stressed that it is natural that the valuable effects of the Tehran-Ankara relations are strategic for the two nations and countries as well as the region, noting that due to these effects and blessings, the relations between Iran and Turkey also have serious rivals and enemies who sometimes attempt to distort them through public and media atmospheres. Bagheri said: “We must intelligently manage these disruptions and not allow some baseless negative views in the media space to affect the strong relations between the two countries.”

Burhanettin Duran the Deputy Foreign Minister of Turkey, for his part, conveyed the warm greetings of the top Turkish diplomat, Hakan Fidan, to Bagheri and appreciated the successful hosting and holding of the Tehran meeting as well as the active presence of Iran in the D-8 summit in Istanbul.

He wished for the successful holding of the presidential election and its blessings and benefits for the government and people of Iran, emphasizing that Turkey and its high-ranking officials place great importance on developing relations between the two countries and that the path of strengthening the strong relations between the neighboring and Muslim countries is continuing.

He also announced Turkey's full readiness to strengthen cooperation with Iran in regional and international arenas, especially in support of the people of Palestine against the aggression and crimes of the Israeli regime.

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