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2024/06/16 - 15:35
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The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson’s message on X social media network

The horrible and shocking crimes by the Zionist enemy in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank will not break the resolution of the Palestinian nation to liberate their land and the noble Al-Quds from the Zionists’ occupation.


The horrible and shocking crimes by the Zionist enemy in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank will not break the resolution of the Palestinian nation to liberate their land and the noble Al-Quds from the Zionists’ occupation.


Palestinian men, women, and young people, together with their innocent and suffering children, have performed the Auspicious_Eid_al-Adha prayer, while they are grieving and wounded and full of pain, but strong and believe in God's assistance.


The Zionist enemy and whoever is with it will kneel before the faith, patience and determination of the Palestinian people.

"Allahu Akbar Wa lillahil Hamd" (Allah is the Greatest, and to Allah belongs all praise.)

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