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Acting Iranian FMs speech at D-8 meeting in Istanbul

Extraordinary D-8 Council of Foreign Ministers Meeting to Discuss the Situation in Gaza Istanbul 8 June 2024

Extraordinary D-8 Council of Foreign Ministers Meeting

to Discuss the Situation in Gaza

Istanbul, 8 June 2024


Statement by H.E. Dr Ali Bagheri Kani Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran



In the Name of Allah

the Most Beneficent, the Most Gracious


Mr Chairman; Mr Secretary General;

Distinguished Ministers; Ladies and Gentlemen;


As-salamu alaykum;

At the outset, I would like to thank the Government of Türkiye for this important initiative and for their warm and sincere hospitality. I would also like to appreciate the efforts of Mr Secretary General and his colleagues in the D-8 Secretariat for preparing for this important meeting.

Let me continue with paying tribute to the late President and Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Raisi and Dr. Amirabdullahian who contributed outstandingly to efforts and consultations with the Islamic countries in the last 8 months to support Palestinian people against genocide and mass killing perpetrated by Zionist Regime in Gaza.    

It has been eight months since the attacks by the Zionist regime and, alas, all we continue to get is nonfeasance on the part of the international community which would otherwise have to put an end to these unexampled crimes. The current situation in the Rafah Crossing has shoved the world to the cusp of yet another humanitarian disaster. By applying the policy of collective punishment, the occupying regime is pursuing the sinister and dangerous goal of societal collapse in Gaza by making it uninhabitable – an act that is regarded as a clear manifestation of war crimes and genocide. Notwithstanding, the solidarity of Muslim countries can forestall the continuance of these crimes and that policy.

The Islamic Republic of Iran believes that Muslim countries and the D-8 Member States alike ought to marshal the entirety of their capacities to pivot all focus to that direction. Severing the vital arteries of the Zionist regime, breaking off political and economic ties and embargoing the oil, energy, and goods of the Zionist regime are among necessary measures against its butchery and annihilation in Gaza. 

Recognising the acknowledged right of the Palestinian nation and their legitimate resistance to aggression and occupation, based on principles of international law, recognising the Israeli regime as a terrorist regime, and establishing a special international mission to bring Israel's crimes before international courts are amongst other effective measures that Member States can take at this critical juncture in time. In this regard, the recent ruling of the International Court of Justice on Rafah, which revolves around 3 fundamental axes of ‘cessation of aggression’, ‘ensuring the unimpeded entry of humanitarian aid’ and ‘the establishment of an international fact-finding mission’, can be used as basis.

We believe that true and all-out peace, stability, and security in the Middle East will not be achieved unless the two issues of ‘ending the occupation completely’ by and ‘nuclear disarmament’ of the Zionist regime have been worked out. In this context, we have proposed two initiatives: First, the ‘National Referendum Across the Palestinian Territory’ plan with the participation of the true residents of Palestine, inclusive of Muslims, Christians and Jews, to determine their own destiny and the future political system of Palestine; and second, the ‘Middle East Free of Nuclear Armament and Weapons of Mass Destruction’ initiative.

This is obvious that the occupying regime does not stop unless encountered with force.  The “True Promise Operation”, conducted by the Islamic Republic of Iran to punish the occupying regime, was a clear testimony in this regard.

Mr Chairman; Dear Colleagues;

The adoption of double-standard policies by certain Western powers has been a main reason contributing to the boldness of the Zionist regime in its continued law-breaking spree and continued derision of international laws and norms. Notwithstanding its political plans on Gaza, the United States is not honest in putting an end to genocide in Gaza. Rather, the occupying regime brutally kills women and children utilizing the most sophisticated US weapons and arms designed for specific military targets.   

It is necessary for our meeting today to communicate a clear message about the necessity and urgency of setting this irresponsible and hypocritical approach to rights.


In conclusion, I should like to offer a number of practical proposals for consideration and decision in this important meeting:

  1. Establishment of a ‘D-8 Advocacy Programme for Palestine’ which would have on agenda the collective participation of Member States in and their contributions to the development and reconstruction needs of Palestine;
  2. Leveraging D-8 support to convention of an international conference on the reconstruction of Gaza and establishment of an Islamic fund to raise and collect financial assistance from Islamic countries;
  3. Establishment of a D-8 Contact Group on Palestine to partner with its counterpart OIC Contact Group in pursuing, at international level, to put an end to the war against Gaza and dispatching international humanitarian aids;
  4. Ending and suspending all political, economic and trade relations with Zionist regime.
  5. Designating Zionist regime occupying army as well as its security forces as “terrorist organizations” for their committing genocide, war crimes and blatant violation of human rights and international humanitarian law;
  6. D-8 support to designation of Israeli regime as an “Apartheid entity”, as well as joint efforts by D-8 member states to revive UNGA resolution 3379;
  7. D-8 support to comprehensive Palestinian talks with the participation of all Palestinian groups aimed at consensus and national unity building as well as agreeing on the administration of Palestinian lands and organizing election following the end of war;
  8. D-8 request for suspension of membership of Zionist regime in international organizations as well as ban on its participation in international events, including upcoming Olympic in Paris;
  9. Establishment by D-8 of a joint legal committee with a mandate to extend legal support to Palestine in the international legal processes such as ICJ, ICC, etc.


Once again, I appreciate the opportunity that was afforded in order to exchange views on this issue of import. I hope that this meeting will have practical and immediate upshot in alleviating the pains and suffering of the noble people of Gaza.


I thank you for your attention

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