Statement by His Excellency Dr. Reza Najafi Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Of the Islamic Republic of Iran
At the Ministerial Meeting of the 19th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement
Kampala Uganda 17 January 2024
Statement by
His Excellency Dr. Reza Najafi
Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs
Of the Islamic Republic of Iran
At the Ministerial Meeting of the 19th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement
Kampala, Uganda, 17 January 2024
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Mr. Chairman,
Allow me to begin by thanking the people and Government of the Republic of Uganda for the excellent organization of this meeting and for the warm hospitality extended to our delegation. I also assure you of our full support and cooperation towards the successful conclusion of this meeting. I would also like to appreciate the Republic of Azerbaijan for its efforts during the chairmanship of NAM.
Mr. Chairman,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This important meeting demonstrates our resolve to maintain and strengthen the bond of solidarity among the Movement’s Member States and to promote our cooperation in securing the common interests of our nations.
Faced with current massive challenges and expecting more emerging ones, we must employ the full capacity of the Movement to address them timely and effectively.
Global issues need global solutions. To create shared global wealth, we must promote our solidarity and cooperation in resolving global problems.
Indeed, all global challenges including climate change, poverty and inequalities can only be addressed through cooperation, resulting in prosperous life and happiness for all peoples around the globe.
To be sufficiently effective, such cooperation requires genuine political will of all States of the world, the Members of our Movement included.
In the current transitional state of the international system, we must work towards a future, in which security, peace, prosperity, the right to development, the right to self-determination and basic human rights are ensured for all nations effectively and equally.
Accordingly, NAM Member States must be prepared for playing an active role in shaping the new international order, wherein conflict, confrontation, injustice, inequality and exclusion have no place.
Mr. Chairman,
Historically, NAM Member States have always strongly supported the cause of Palestine and the legitimate struggle of this nation for freedom and independence.
Given the current unprecedented situation in Palestine, where the Zionist regime continues committing the most heinous crimes against the Palestinians particularly in Gaza, we must renew our solidarity with this nation.
Our message must be as loud and as clear as possible, expressing that the Palestinians are not alone; that we all stand with the Palestinians; that we all are united in supporting their just cause; that we all call for the realization of the inherent right to self-determination of this great nation; and that the question of Palestine can be solved only through the establishment of an independent Palestinian State with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its Capital.
We must also condemn, in the strongest possible terms, the Israeli regime for committing serious crimes in Gaza and other parts of Palestine in gross violation of the principles of humanity, morality and civility.
We must also call for an immediate and unconditional end to all military operations of the Israeli regime in Gaza as well as for bringing its officials to justice for committing serious crimes including genocide in Gaza.
In this context, we are delighted that in our meeting, NAM has unitedly echoed the obligation of ICJ to prevent the risk of genocide in Gaza Strip by Zionist regime. It has also while welcoming the instituting of the case by South Africa before the ICJ, has requested taking all measures to put an end the genocide of Palestinian people. We hope the impunity of this barbaric regime must finally come to an end. Otherwise, it will continue committing more crimes more brutally.
Mr. Chairman,
Dear Colleagues,
Opposing any form of bullying and unilateralism and striving for the rule of law at the international level have always been among the priorities of our Movement.
At the current juncture that the U.S. and other western powers opted to use unilateral coercive measures including sanctions as a serious tool to expand their political, economic and cultural hegemony over other nations, the Movement must also be stronger in rejecting such measures.
This is of outmost importance as such coercive measures target our unity and solidity, sow the seeds of division among the Movement’s Members, prevent our access to financial and technological resources needed for our sustainable development, and more importantly, flagrantly violate the human rights of our nations including our right to development.
Furthermore, unilateral coercive measures continue to increasingly challenge international cooperation in many fields, including free trade, the environment and the rule of law in an unprecedented manner, weakening the foundations of international economic cooperation.
To confront such challenges, the network of economic, technical, developmental, commercial, financial and environmental cooperation among NAM countries should be further strengthened under the South-South cooperation.
In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, I would like to emphasize that building a more prosperous, happier, safer, and more stable world is in the common interest of all NAM Member States. In fact, we owe it to present and upcoming generations of our nations. It is therefore a common responsibility, which can be best fulfilled through unity and solidarity. For its part, the Islamic Republic of Iran stands ready to play an active and constructive role in furthering these noble objectives, under the able leadership of the Republic of Uganda, as the Chair of our Movement in the years to come.
I thank you for your attention.