News Agency:Events
Iran Kazakhstan stress cordial ties to continue in post-Raisi era
Kazakhstan’s First Deputy Foreign Minister Akan Rakhmetullin who is on a trip to Tehran to participate in the 19th meeting of the Asian Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) member states’ foreign ministers met and held talks with Iran’s Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri on Sunday.
  Kazakhstan’s First Deputy Foreign Minister Akan Rakhmetullin, who is on a trip to Tehran to participate in the 19th meeting of the Asian Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) member states’ foreign ministers, met and held talks with Iran’s Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri on Sunday.   During the meeting, the Iranian caretaker foreign minister stressed that the multiple and diverse capacities available between the two countries, especially in economy and trade, should be utilized for the promotion and enhancement of bilateral ties.   Bagheri said holding the ACD forum in Tehran under the current circumstances in the region indicates that the Asian states are highly determined and capable of opening a new page in international relations based on dumping unilateralism and setting up a mechanism based on independence, justice, and democracy within the framework of multilateralism.   Meanwhile, he said the Zionist regime’s unprecedented crimes in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, perpetrated under full support by the US and some Western countries, are not only flagrant and clear examples of the unilateral mechanisms’ failure to establish stability, security, and peace, but also a source of instability and disruption of security and global peace.   He also stressed that reinforcing multilateral initiative mechanisms by independent countries in the form of such organizations as the ACD can guarantee lasting stability and security, adding it is incumbent on independent and Islamic states to take measures to stand up against and decry the Zionist regime and support the Palestinian people more than ever.   Furthermore, the top Iranian diplomat expressed hope that the Tehran meeting would achieve good results in line with the interests of the countries in the region and the world.   He hailed Kazakhstan’s role in hosting the nuclear talks as well as negotiations on Syria, saying it proves that the Kazakh government is serious about shoring up the role of independent countries in line with multilateralism.   For his part, Rakhmetullin said he was pleased with his first trip to Tehran and conveyed the warm greetings of his country’s foreign minister to his Iranian counterpart. He also expressed the deep condolences and sincere sympathy of the Kazakh government and nation over the loss of the martyred Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian.   The Kazakh first deputy foreign minister expressed hope that with the successful holding of the presidential elections in Iran and the formation of a new government, ties between the two neighboring countries will continue to grow and prosper.   Rakhmetullin also sought to ensure that the positive cooperation between the two countries will continue to provide reciprocal support for both countries in regional and international arenas.
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