News Agency:Events
Remarks by Secretary-General Zhang Ming at the Tehran International Conference on Palestine
Tehran 23 December 2023
Your Excellency Foreign Minister Hossain Amir-Abdollahian, Distinguished guests,   I would like to thank the Iranian side for organizing the conference today. It is my great honor to attend this conference in my capacity as Secretary-General the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).  Colleagues, the current situation in the Gaza Strip of Palestine is a focal point for close attention of the entire international community. Since the outbreak of the new round of conflict, the situation has caused huge casualties, especially among children, tremendous damage to vital infrastructure, and a worsening humanitarian crisis.  As a widely-recognized influential regional international organization, the SCO member states have all along firmly adhered to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the Charter of the SCO, advocating mutual respect for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of States, equality, mutual benefit, peaceful settlement of differences through dialogue and mutual consultations, non-interference in internal affairs, non-use or threat of use of force, and peaceful settlement of regional and international conflicts by political and diplomatic means. It is fair to say that the SCO has always stood on the side of peace and is an important, constructive force in maintaining regional and global security and stability.  The SCO pays high attention to the situation in Gaza. Since the outbreak of the conflict, member states have promoted a political and diplomatic resolution of the conflict, provided cash assistance to the Palestinian National Authority and the United Nations Reliefs and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), as well as  humanitarian supplies such as food and medicines to the Gaza Strip, making positive efforts to facilitate a ceasefire, end the violence, cool down the situation and alleviate the humanitarian crisis. Here, I would like to share the following views on behalf of the SCO:   First, we call on the international community to strongly condemn the attacks on civilians and civilian facilities, which have led to the death of tens of thousands of civilians, including women and children, and caused extensive injuries and destruction of vital infrastructure. Principles and obligations of international humanitarian law should be firmly observed, and civilians and infrastructure should be effectively protected.  Second, the parties concerned must immediately cease hostilities, achieve a sustained ceasefire, and keep the humanitarian corridors open for the continued provision of relief. It is hoped that all those held captive will be released. In addition, some of our member states also expressed concerns over the attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea.  Third, regional and international diplomatic efforts must be intensified to restore the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and realize comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East on the basis of the two-State solution, and in accordance with the existing international law, including relevant UN resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative.   We believe that there is an urgent need to establish the State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, on the 1967 borders. This is the way through which Palestinian people can exercise their true national rights, as an independent subject on the international community based on the generally accepted principles of international relations.  Colleagues,  Today’s situation proves once again that there can be no military solution to the question of Palestine. Only through the implementation of  the successive UN resolutions on the question of Palestine will it be possible to achieve a genuine and thorough settlement of the issue and bring peace, stability and security for all residents of the region.   Colleagues,  The world is undergoing profound and complex changes, and the international political and economic order is facing serious shocks and challenges. But we all live in one global village, where peace, security and stability are the prerequisites and foundation for all development. No one can stay aloof on this issue. It is our heartfelt hope that, with the joint efforts of the international community, represented by the United Nations, and inspired by the spirit of humanitarianism, a lasting ceasefire will be achieved as soon as possible, the parties concerned will return to the track of political dialogue at an early date, and the local people will be able to bask in the sunshine of peace.  I hope our conference will contribute to the establishment of lasting peace and security in the Middle East. I wish the conference fruitful results and the participants success in their work.   Thank you.  
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