Iran’s deputy FM for legal and int’l affairs’ message on X: Iran to retaliate hostile US moves
The United States which itself has a dark record of interfering in the internal affairs of countries around the world periodically sanctions certain Iranian nationals under the so-called Rewards for Justice program under various pretexts and offers financial rewards to obtain more information! It seems they have forgotten that wherever there is talk of assassination sabotage interference in internal affairs threats and sanctions the name of the United States is mentioned.
The United States, which itself has a dark record of interfering in the internal affairs of countries around the world, periodically sanctions certain Iranian nationals under the so-called "Rewards for Justice" program under various pretexts and offers financial rewards to obtain more information! It seems they have forgotten that wherever there is talk of assassination, sabotage, interference in internal affairs, threats, and sanctions, the name of the United States is mentioned.
Our colleagues in the General Directorate of Legal and International Affairs, utilizing the capacity of enacted laws – including the Law on Countering the Violation of Human Rights and Adventurous and Terrorist Activities of the United States in the Region, as well as the law on Reciprocal Measures Against the Designation of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization by the United States – are collaborating with relevant institutions and in coordination with the Secretariat of the Supreme National Security Council to prepare a list of American individuals involved in terrorist activities, cyber sabotage, violations of the rights of the Iranian people, and other activities undermining national security, aimed at imposing sanctions on them and taking legal actions.