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2024/08/06 - 16:53
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Iran FM visits Hamas office in Tehran

Ali Bagheri visited the office of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas in Tehran. He paid tribute to the memory of Martyr Sheikh Ismail Haniyeh the head of Hamas political bureau and held discussions with Khaled Qaddoumi Hamas representative.

Ali Bagheri, the Acting Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, visited the office of the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, in Tehran. He paid tribute to the memory of Martyr Sheikh Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas' political bureau, and held discussions with Khaled Qaddoumi, Hamas' representative.

In this meeting, attended by a group of high ranking officials and experts from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bagheri honored the efforts, struggles, and sacrifices of Martyr Haniyeh, extending his condolences to the resilient and brave people of Palestine and Palestinian resistance groups for Haniyeh’s martyrdom.

Bagheri emphasized: "Although Haniyeh's martyrdom is a loss for the resistance, it has strengthened the resistance front in Palestine and the region. The entire Islamic world has condemned this heinous assassination. The martyrdom and pure blood of Haniyeh have solidified the bonds and solidarity between the Palestinian and Iranian nations."

The Acting Foreign Minister described the sacrifices of the oppressed people of Palestine and Gaza in recent months as a source of disgrace for the Zionist regime and its supporters. He stressed, "Martyr Haniyeh was born of the resistance and fortified the resistance and the Palestinian cause. The Zionists have failed in their goals. The message of Haniyeh’s martyrdom and the grand public funeral in Tehran is that we are one, and this solidarity against occupation and aggression is now stronger."

He added, "The longer the resistance continues, the greater the dignity and power of the Palestinian people, and the more evident the cowardice of the Zionists."

Bagheri highlighted, "For ten months, the Zionists used the most advanced military equipment in a small area to destroy the Palestinian people, but they failed and only martyred civilians and brutally destroyed non-military sites. However, with trust in God and the resistance of the Palestinian people, a new world has been created for their resistance and power, while the humiliation of the Zionist regime has become more apparent."

The Acting Foreign Minister expressed confidence that the flag of freedom and liberation raised by the Palestinian people would remain aloft, and the government and people of Iran would spare no effort in supporting the Palestinian cause. He asserted that our shared goal is the Islamic ideal, which signifies the honor and struggle of our warriors, and that, God willing, this Islamic awakening will lead to Israel’s destruction.

Referring to the cowardly assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, he stated, "This action is a violation of international law, and the Islamic Republic of Iran has the right, according to international rights and laws, to respond appropriately in defense of its national security and sovereignty and to play its strategic role in establishing peace and stability in the region."

Bagheri pointed out Iran's serious efforts to use all legal, political, and media capacities to secure its national rights and interests, including requesting an extraordinary meeting of the United Nations Security Council, holding telephone consultations with foreign ministers and officials from numerous countries to explain and clarify the reality of the situation and Iran's definitive policy on pursuing this matter, and requesting an emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. He emphasized, "The Islamic Republic of Iran will give a decisive and effective response to this criminal act by the Zionist regime."

Khaled Qaddoumi, Hamas’ representative in Tehran, also referred to the grand funeral of Martyr Haniyeh in Tehran. He appreciated the positions, support, and condolences of the Supreme Leader, the President, and the Iranian government and people. He stressed, “Our cause and yours are one, and Gaza is a symbol of humanity.

As we see, in all countries, even in America and the West and all regions of the world, young people and students have chanted in support of the oppressed people of Palestine; even Jews have protested, declaring that Israel does not represent them.”

He added, “The blood of Martyr Haniyeh and the martyrs of the resistance and the Palestinian people will strengthen the resistance and desiccate the root of oppression and the Zionist regime.”

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