Specifications Iraq

Ambassadors Information

# Name Image position City Of Residence
1. Iraj Masjdi Ambassador Baghdad
2. Iraj Masjdi Ambassador Baghdad

working hours

# (Section Title (Consular / Embassy Days / Days of the week working hours
1. Consular hours - Delivery of documents Saturday to Thursday 13:30- 14:30
2. Consular hours Saturday to Thursday 8 - 11:30
3. Embassy opening hours Thursdays from 8am to Azan noon
4. Embassy opening hours Saturday to Wednesday 08:00 - 16:30
5. Consular hours - Delivery of documents Saturday to Thursday 13:30- 14:30
6. Consular hours Saturday to Thursday 8 - 11:30
7. Embassy opening hours Thursdays from 8am to Azan noon
8. Embassy opening hours Thursdays from 8am to Azan noon
9. Embassy opening hours Saturday to Thursday 13:30- 14:30

Information of embassies and foreign missions residing in the Islamic Republic of Iran

country name
جناب آقای نصیر عبدالمحسن عبدالله H. E. Mr. Naseer Abdul Mohsen Abdullah Al-Karawi
8893 8877
Street of Muzaffar Brothers Street Damascus Street Valiasr No. 101
Address in Persian
ولیعصر، خیابان دمشق، خیابان برادران مظفر، شماره 101