News Agency:Events
Statement of the four-way meeting of the foreign ministers of the Islamic Republic of Iran China Russia and Pakistan regarding Afghanistan
The foreign ministers of the Islamic Republic of Iran the Peoples Republic of China the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Russian Federation issued a joint statement in their third four-way meeting on Afghanistan on Friday.
The foreign ministers of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the People's Republic of China, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Russian Federation issued a joint statement in their third four-way meeting on Afghanistan on Friday, September 27,  2024. They described the United States and NATO as the main culprits behind the current crisis in Afghanistan and demanded immediate measures to improve the security and humanitarian situation in the country.   In their statement, the top diplomats stressed their strong support for the national sovereignty, political independence, unity and territorial integrity of Afghanistan, saying all members of the international community will enjoy the benefits of a stable and peaceful Afghanistan, a country that should serve as a platform for international cooperation, not a field for geopolitical competition.    Terrorist threats and regional security  The foreign ministers of Iran, Russia, China and Pakistan voiced deep concern over the security situation due to terrorism in Afghanistan as well as the presence and activities of terrorist groups such as Daesh, al-Qaeda, East Turkestan Islamic Movement, Tahreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, Jaish al-Adl, Baluchistan Liberation Army and other similar groups. They emphasized that these groups are considered a serious threat to the security of the region and the whole world. They called for strengthening anti-terrorism cooperation at the bilateral and multilateral levels, adding that Afghanistan should be assisted in taking comprehensive measures to deal with the causes and agents of terrorism and eradicate the phenomenon as soon as possible.      Criticism of the US and NATO Referring to the destructive role of the US and NATO in Afghanistan, the foreign ministers said that the NATO member states must take the main responsibility for the current situation in Afghanistan and must create opportunities for the economic improvement of Afghanistan. They should immediately lift unilateral sanctions against Afghanistan and unblock the country’s frozen assets in favor of the Afghan people.     Supporting the formation of an inclusive government and the return of refugees The statement underlined the importance of creating an inclusive government in Afghanistan that reflects the interests and aspirations of all sections of the Afghan society. The foreign ministers urged the Afghan authorities to facilitate the return of Afghan refugees to their homeland and prevent further migration.     Appreciating Iran and Pakistan and requesting international support The foreign ministers appreciated the efforts of the regional countries, especially the Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan, to host millions of Afghan refugees and asked the international community and donors to provide the necessary financial support and assistance to those countries.   Urging against the politicization of humanitarian aid  They underlined the significance of countering efforts to politicize the provision of humanitarian aid to Afghanistan. The foreign ministers also called for the continuation of getting aid to Afghanistan in order to strengthen its capacity for sustainable development and self-reliance.   Expanding economic cooperation and regional connectivity In the end, the foreign ministers said they are ready to expand economic and trade cooperation and promote regional connectivity with Afghanistan. They also noted that these measures will help with Afghanistan's active integration into regional economic cooperation.    
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